Sunday, January 28, 2007


Children who read perform better academically.
Children who come from schools with libraries perform better academically.
Children who associate reading with pleasure read more.
Children who are allowed to choose their own reading materials read more.
Chidren who come from schools with libraries read more and better books.
Selected Research by Mary V. Gaver (1963), Stephen Krashen (1993) and Keith Curry Lance (1993) Ann Marie Grumm (2000)

It my mission to provide a library environment that encourages reading and provides access to some of the best resources and literature to set children on the road to reading and to keep them reading.

The children are submerged in literature and literacy. After a motivating meaningful story, the children are given ample time to explore and read. They naturally set out to find books that interest them and excitedly share their findings with their friends.

To encourage both responsible library behavior and reading, children receive stickers for turning the pages correctly and for sitting and quietly reading.

Every child has his or her own rate of development.

Early success with reading builds confidence.

Confidence is a key ingredient for
Success in reading.

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